Wednesday, February 11, 2009

stacks of paper = extended horizon?

I am interested in the way that, if a photograph is printed full bleed and then stacked on top of itself, the sides of the stack of paper become vertical extensions of the image that's on top (you can see it in this tiny image here, of a stack of prints by Felix Gonzales Torres). I am thinking about using this visual phenomenon to "extend" a photograph of the horizon, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work. Ideally, I'd like the stack to be very tall (above a person's head, so they have to get above it to see what the photograph is of, so there is some wonder/investigation involved in the experience), but the printing will be really expensive. And if I orient the stack horizontally as opposed to vertically I have to figure out how it will be held together, and whether it would be on the ground or elevated somehow. Here's an example of paper clamped together and suspended horizontally:

Drew Goerlitz's "Slump"

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