Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

(title is a quote by Tom Robbins, and the image is unknown)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Would you come home?

an image from Niagara by Alec Soth

Time is the longest distance between places.

(title is a quote by Tennesee Williams)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"There’s no secret about it, really. You just don’t die, and you get to be 100."

"I have always liked to dance. But as you know, after a certain age, there are no men to dance with. So I started line dancing... The best part of being 100 is you live to be 100. If you can enjoy it, that is an extra good thing.”
-Hazel Miller, 100

“We go out to lunch every once in a while. So we went to a place called Hooters, and there were eight or nine of us. Somebody told the manager that I was 100 years old. So the manager said that they’d pay for the meal — we didn’t have to pay for the meals. Then we took pictures with the waitresses. I thought it was very nice of them."
-Phil Damsky, 100

(These quotes are from a great little article in the NYT about centenarians. They asked people 100 years old or older "What is your secret to a long life?" )

(And making this post reminded me of "People in Order" by Lenka Clayton & James Price. One of my favorite videos ever. I posted it a while back, so I'm mentioning it again in case anyone missed it.)

Monday, October 18, 2010

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.

(title is a quote from a Leonard Cohen song)

Vimeo World: A gallery of visual and auditory awesomeness

Eternity made an appearance in NYC last weekend! It was part of an exhibition titled Vimeo World, which was curated by Marco Antonio Castro for Drive In Studios in Chelsea. The show was in conjunction with the Vimeo Festival + Awards, October 8-9, 2010.

Rudy + Rainbows